No matter our walks of life or the situations we come from, wanting a cleaner and healthier San Diego should be all of our goal. Over 70 amazing volunteers and sponsors showed that they carried this goal and came out to Tidelands Park on Coronado Island to help clean up over 100 pounds of trash! This amounted to over 15 industrial-sized trash bags being filled up and being properly disposed of. Volunteers were treated to pizza, refreshments, and opportunity drawings where lots of fun prizes were given out. A huge thank you to our many amazing sponsors, who we couldn’t have done anything without. Thank you Grand Canyon University, University of San Diego, UCSD Explore Program, I Love a Clean San Diego, ACE Uniforms, & Filippi’s Pizza Grotto.
With everyone’s amazing support and hard work, we were able to raise $305 for our charity partner Heartland House Recovery Home for Men. SDAMN cannot wait for the next beach cleanup and looks forward to helping pave a way towards cleaner beaches and a cleaner San Diego.

Heartland House Mens Recovery Home gracing us with their presence to provide more awareness about their amazing program of helping San Diego men and mental illness

An amazing sponsor, USD, was a critical part to the success of this event. Lots of good info on USD’s nursing programs and all of their educational offerings!

Another one of SDAMN’s amazing sponsors, UCSD Explore Program, also had an amazing presence at our event, graciously providing refreshments and more information about the UCSD Explore Program.

One of our amazing volunteers winning one of our opportunity drawings and receiving an amazing ACE Uniform gift certificate!

Grand Canyon University has been one of SDAMN’s longest time sponsors and we couldn’t have done this event without them! Our volunteers enjoyed vast amounts of information about GCU nursing programs and educational offerings. Our volunteers loved the free swag!

Some of our amazing volunteers!

Another amazing volunteer winning one of our opportunity drawings and receiving another amazing ACE Uniform gift certificate graciously donated by ACE Uniform!

Our amazing volunteers enjoy Pizza from Filippi’s Pizza Grotto, a big partner in this amazing day! SDAMN thanks them for helping us feed over 70+ hungry stomachs!

SDAMN Vice-President Jonah Weber-Ford presenting for SDAMN opportunity drawings while volunteers enjoy Filippi’s Pizza Grotto pizza.